5 protein-based signature for resectable lung squamous cell carcinoma improves the prognostic performance of the TNM staging
- Martínez-Terroba, E.
- Behrens, C.
- Agorreta, J.
- Monsó, E.
- Millares, L.
- Felip, E.
- Rosell, R.
- Ramirez, J.L.
- Remirez, A.
- Torre, W.
- Gil-Bazo, I.
- Idoate, M.A.
- De-Torres, J.P.
- Pio, R.
- Wistuba, I.I.
- Pajares, M.J.
- Montuenga, L.M.
ISSN: 1468-3296, 0040-6376
Argitalpen urtea: 2019
Alea: 74
Zenbakia: 4
Orrialdeak: 371-379
Mota: Artikulua