Compilation of erosion yields of metal-doped carbon materials by deuterium impact from ion beam and low temperature plasma

  1. Balden, M.
  2. Starke, P.
  3. García-Rosales, C.
  4. Adelhelm, C.
  5. Sauter, P.A.
  6. López-Galilea, I.
  7. Ordas, N.
  8. Fernández, J.M.R.
  9. Escandell, M.M.
Journal of Nuclear Materials

ISSN: 0022-3115

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 417

Issue: 1-3

Pages: 612-615

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.1016/J.JNUCMAT.2010.12.092 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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