In a rush to decide: Deep brain stimulation and dopamine agonist therapy in Parkinson's disease

  1. Djamshidian, A.
  2. O'Sullivan, S.S.
  3. Tomassini, A.
  4. Foltynie, T.
  5. Limousin, P.
  6. Aviles-Olmos, I.
  7. Warner, T.T.
  8. Lees, A.J.
  9. Averbeck, B.B.
Journal of Parkinson's Disease

ISSN: 1877-718X 1877-7171

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 4

Issue: 4

Pages: 579-583

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3233/JPD-140388 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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