Preliminary study of axial‐moment interaction diagrams for semi‐rigid end plate bolted connections
- Gracia, Javier 2
- Gil, Beatriz 1
- Bayo, Eduardo 1
- 1 University of Navarra Pamplona Spain
- 2 University of Oviedo Oviedo Spain
ISSN: 2509-7075, 2509-7075
Datum der Publikation: 2023
Ausgabe: 6
Nummer: 3-4
Seiten: 1381-1386
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: ce/papers
Projekte im Zusammenhang
This research deals with the axial-bending interaction in bolted steel beam to column connections along the strong axis of the column. In order to define the interaction curves, firstly, a series of tests of doubly symmetric bolted connections were carriedout in which two column sizes were considered, while the beam, end plate and bolts remained the same. These joints were tested under pure compression, as well as simultaneous bending and compression, and with different load levels. Afterwards, reduced finite element models including initial imperfections were made. These models are validated by means of the results obtained in the experimental program. The aim of the reduced model is to enlarge the range of studied loading combina-tions in terms of different percentages of axial load and bending moment. Finally, with the results obtained, a preliminary normalized interaction diagram for this type of joints wasdeduced.
Informationen zur Finanzierung
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
- PID2020-113895GB
Bibliographische Referenzen
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