Departamento académico
(FM) Endocrinología y Nutrición
Publikationen (8) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben
Bariatric surgery: a NICE example of efficiency and equity
Body weight regulation. Current perspectives
Endocrinologia y Nutricion
Death of the teaching autopsy [1] (multiple letters)
British Medical Journal
Death of the teaching autopsy: advances in technology have not reduced the value of the autopsy.
BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
Fundus Functionality and Ghrelin Concentrations after Bariatric Surgery [6]
New England Journal of Medicine
Ghrelin and gastric bypass (multiple letters)
Obesity Surgery
Is hyperleptinemia involved in the development of age-related lens opacities?
The American journal of clinical nutrition
Screening and interventions for obesity in adults [4] (multiple letters)
Annals of Internal Medicine