Publicaciones (13) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Correction: Immune profiling in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma patients treated with autologous hematopoietic cell transplant (Bone Marrow Transplantation, (2020), 55, 1, (77-85), 10.1038/s41409-019-0591-4)

    Bone Marrow Transplantation

  2. Corrigendum: Cost-Effective, Safe, and Personalized Cell Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Frontiers in Immunology, (2019), 10, 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01151)

    Frontiers in Immunology

  3. Distinct mutational pattern of myelodysplastic syndromes with and without 5q– treated with lenalidomide

    British Journal of Haematology

  4. Erratum to: DNA methylation of enhancer elements in myeloid neoplasms: Think outside the promoters? (Cancers, (2019), 11)


  5. No transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a patient undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation from a matched-related donor with unknown COVID-19

    Transfusion and Apheresis Science

  6. Premortem Tumor Stress in Radioimmunotherapy

    Trends in Cancer

  7. Pulmonary Embolism, Pulmonary Microvascular Thrombosis, or Both in COVID-19?

    Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis

  8. Re: Inhibition of a G9a/DNMT Network Triggers Immune-Mediated Bladder Cancer Regression

    Journal of Urology

  9. Recent Advancements in Hematology: Knowledge, Methods and Dissemination, Part 1


  10. Response to “Should estrogen be used in the co-treatment of COVID-19 patients?”


  11. Single-Institution Experience in Clinical Trials during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain: Not So Bad after All?

    JCO Global Oncology

  12. Spanish Guidelines for the use of targeted deep sequencing in myelodysplastic syndromes and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia

    British Journal of Haematology

  13. The thromboembolic risk in covid-19 women under hormonal treatment group
