Chapitres d'ouvrages (20) Publications auxquelles un chercheur a participé


  1. ''Continuas fulguraciones de la divinidad'': la reformulación de la doctrina de la creación desde la teoría de las primalidades en la Monadología

    La monadología de Leibniz a debate (Comares), pp. 279-290

  2. A Revolution in Urban Lifestyle: Mad Men's Narrative Revisited as a Social Lab

    Emotions in Contemporary TV Series, pp. 102 - 117

  3. Biology and Subjectivity: Philosophical Contributions to a Non-reductive Neuroscience

    Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.), pp. 1-12

  4. Body, Time and Subject

    Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.), pp. 95-112

  5. Does the Principle of Causal Closure Account for Natural Teleology?

    Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.), pp. 77-94

  6. Emociones morales e identidad personal

    The Yearbook on history and interpretation of phenomenology 2016: vocations, Social Identities, spirituality: phenomenological perspectives (Peter Lang), pp. 47 - 60

  7. Emotional Culture and TV Narratives

    Emotions in Contemporary TV Series (Palgrave MacMillan), pp. 13-25

  8. From the Psychologization of Experience to the Priority of Emotions in Social Life

    The Emotions and Cultural Analysis (Taylor and Francis), pp. 51-67

  9. In search of an ethical frame for the provision of health

    To Fix or to Heal: Patient Care, Public Health, and the Limits of Biomedicine (New York University Press), pp. 284-306

  10. Kant and stoic ethics

    The Routledge Handbook of the Stoic Tradition (Taylor and Francis), pp. 270-283

  11. La sociedad comercial como medio para la libertad. La propuesta de John Locke

    Etica dell'economia. Idee per una critica del riduzionismo economico (Orthotes), pp. 117 - 133

  12. Leibniz on the efficacy and economy of divine grace

    Tercentenary Essays on the Philosophy and Science of Leibniz (Springer International Publishing), pp. 279-300

  13. Natural Law and Practical Philosophy: The Presence of a Theological Concept in Moral Knowledge

    Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law: Natural Law as a Limiting Concept (Taylor and Francis), pp. 161-174

  14. Natural Law as a Limiting Concept: A Reading of Thomas Aquinas

    Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law: Natural Law as a Limiting Concept (Taylor and Francis), pp. 11-26

  15. Spontaneity and the Law of Nature: Leibniz and Pre-critical Kant

    Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law: Natural Law as a Limiting Concept (Taylor and Francis), pp. 105-120

  16. Síntesis de la teoría tomista de las pasiones

    Pasiones y virtudes en la época del Greco (EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A.), pp. 99-116

  17. The Right of Freedom regarding Nature in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

    Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law: Natural Law as a Limiting Concept (Taylor and Francis), pp. 141-158

  18. The asymmetry of forgiveness

    The Philosophy of forgiveness. New dimensions of forgiveness (Vernon Press), pp. 161 - 185

  19. The recovery of action in social theory: acting out of sentiment, acting out of character, acting out of interest, acting out of will

    Theories of action and morality (Olms), pp. 79 - 111

  20. ¿Puede el cerebro ser asiento de una causación mental no reduccionista?

    ¿Determinismo o indeterminismo?: Grandes preguntas de la ciencia a la filosofía (Ediciones logos), pp. 309-343