Argitalpenak (7) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. Aprendiendo de las estructuras de Luis Moya

    BAL 2009: Bienal de Arquitectura Latinoamericana (T6 Ediciones), pp. 72-83

  2. El ladrillo cerámico en la construcción arquitectónica

    CIE Dossat 2000

  3. Evaluation of failure criteria in wood members

    American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, ASABE 2009

  4. Experimental Research and Finite Element Modeling of 3-D Semi-Rigid Composite Joints under Proportional Loads


  5. Finite element model for predicting stiffness of metal-plate-connected tension-spliceand heel joints of wood trusses

    Transactions of the ASABE, Vol. 52, Núm. 2, pp. 565-573

  6. Rewards and Performance of Swedish Real Estate Firms

    Compensation and Benefits Review, Vol. 41, Núm. 4, pp. 19-28

  7. Stream sockets versus web services for high-performance and secure structural analysis in internet environments

    Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, Núm. 1, pp. 47-56