Aportaciones congreso (21) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Alergia a Plantago ovata: Estudio de prevalencia en personal sanitario

    Alergologia e Inmunologia Clinica

  2. Bicaval anastomosis in a heart transplant recipient with left superior vena cava

    Annals of Thoracic Surgery

  3. Consensus statements from the Second International Lung Cancer Molecular Biomarkers Workshop: a European strategy for developing lung cancer molecular diagnostics in high risk populations.

    International journal of oncology

  4. Cytokine-based gene therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)


  5. Eczema alérgico de contacto por calzado

    Alergologia e Inmunologia Clinica

  6. Electron microscopic immunolabeling of transporters and receptors identifies transmitter-specific functional sites envisioned in Cajal's neuron

    Progress in Brain Research

  7. Estimation and localization of electrical dipoles in somatosensory evoked potentials

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings

  8. Gene therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma and gastrointestinal tumors

    Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

  9. Genetic studies in communication disorders

    Revista de Neurologia

  10. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients or from donors with hepatitis B or C virus infection: Review and recommendations

    Medicina Clinica

  11. Herramientas bioinformáticas para la predicción de epítopos ctl de interés en vacunaciones de pequeños rumiantes: Aplicación al maedi visna ovino

    XXVII Jornadas Científicas y VI Jornadas Internacionales de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia: Valencia, 19-21, septiembre 2002 : producción ovina y caprina, nº XXVII SEOC

  12. Immunocytochemical colocalization of orexins and amidating enzymes in adult and developing mouse pancreas


  13. Inmunización genética mixta en ovinos frente a maedi visna (vmv): I. Uso de plásmidos vía epidérmica y vaccinia recombinantes conteniendo la región env de vmv

    XXVII Jornadas Científicas y VI Jornadas Internacionales de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia: Valencia, 19-21, septiembre 2002 : producción ovina y caprina, nº XXVII SEOC

  14. Intraoperative presacral electron boost following preoperative chemoradiation in T3-4Nx rectal cancer: Initial local effects and clinical outcome analysis

    Radiotherapy and Oncology

  15. Peripheral actions of leptin and its involvement in disease

    Nutrition Reviews

  16. Regulation of mammalian liver methionine adenosyltransferase

    Journal of Nutrition

  17. S-Adenosylmethionine revisited: Its essential role in the regulation of liver function


  18. Somatosensory evoked potentials sources revealed by ICA

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings

  19. Tacrolimus is effective in both dual and triple regimens after liver transplantation

    Transplantation Proceedings

  20. Trasplante meniscal: Efecto sobre el cartílago articular. Estudio experimental en corderos

    Mapfre Medicina