Aportaciones congreso (13) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A randomized study comparing lamivudine monotherapy after a short course of hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIg) and lamivudine with long-term lamivudine plus HBIg in the prevention of hepatitis B virus recurrence after liver transplantation

    Journal of Hepatology

  2. Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease: High prevalence of graft loss for death-related malignancies and cardiovascular risk factors

    Transplantation Proceedings

  3. Clinicopathological definition of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia: Consensus panel recommendations from the Second International Workshop on Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia

    Seminars in Oncology

  4. Clonality analysis for antigen receptor genes: Preliminary results from the biomed-2 concerted action PL 96-3936

    Human Pathology

  5. Clonality analysis for antigen receptors genes - Results from the biomed-2 concerted action PL 96-3936


  6. Conversion from calcineurin inhibitors to mycophenolate mofetil in liver transplant recipients with diabetes mellitus

    Transplantation Proceedings

  7. Cómo enriquecer la alimentación del lactante: Uso de los módulos nutricionales

    Acta Pediatrica Espanola

  8. Implantes cocleares: indicadores, funcionamiento y pronóstico

    I Congreso Nacional de Educación y Personas con Discapacidad: conciencia, compromiso y mejora continua

  9. Is combination chemotherapy superior to single-agent chemotherapy in second-line treatment?

    International Journal of Gynecological Cancer

  10. Phase measures in the study of brain responses

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings

  11. Simultaneous Extraction and Localization of Dipolar Independent Components in Evoked Potentials

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings

  12. The promise of gene therapy in gastrointestinal and liver diseases


  13. Treatment of hyperhomocysteinemia after renal transplantation

    Transplantation Proceedings