Publicaciones (19) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A simple method to decrease malposition of Robertshaw-type tubes

    Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia

  2. Abdominal hernia after fasciotomy of the external oblique muscle for abdominal wall closure in TRAM surgery.

    Plastic and reconstructive surgery

  3. Detection of monoclonality in bone marrow plasma cells by flow cytometry: Limitations for minimal residual disease detection [2]

    British Journal of Haematology

  4. Ensayos clínicos y seguros de responsabilidad civil.

    Medicina clínica

  5. Flavonoid intake and coronary mortality


  6. Hepatology

    Clinical Science

  7. Inmunoglobulinas y corticoides en el sindrome de Guillain-Barre. Aportacion de un nuevo caso clinico [1]

    Anales Espanoles de Pediatria

  8. N-acetylcysteine inhibits production of tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-1β [3]

    Archives of Internal Medicine

  9. Necrotizing fasciitis in the head and neck.

    Annals of plastic surgery

  10. Permanent therapeutic embolization of cecal angiodysplasia [14]

    American Journal of Gastroenterology

  11. Placement of an endotracheal device via the laryngeal mask airway in a patient with tracheal stenosis [4]


  12. Radioterapia en sarcoma de Kaposi: una paliación compleja.

    Revista clínica española

  13. Relapse of multiple myeloma in extramedullary sites after autologous bone marrow transplantation [2]

    European Journal of Haematology

  14. Responsiveness of AML cells to recombinant hematopoietic growth factors: relationship with morphological and immunological characteristics of blast cells.

    Leukemia research

  15. Sirenomelia. A propósito de un caso


  16. Solid tumors after heart transplantation [4]

    Annals of Thoracic Surgery

  17. The amount of lens exfoliation and chamber-angle pigmentation in exfoliative syndrome with or without glaucoma.

    Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica

  18. Translocation (15;17)(q22;q21) in a patient with Klinefelter syndrome.

    Cancer genetics and cytogenetics

  19. Value of the endomyocardial biopsy in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis after heart transplantation

    Cardiovascular Pathology