Publicaciones (35) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Are we really tackling the obesity epidemic?


  2. Assisted suicide and euthanasia should not be practiced in palliative care units

    Journal of Palliative Medicine

  3. Common variable immunodeficiency and Evans syndrome complicated by autoimmune hemolysis due to anti-Jka auto-antibodies

    Leukemia and Lymphoma

  4. Compétences en soins palliatifs: Que faut-il savoir faire en tant que médecin?

    Revue Medicale Suisse

  5. Condoms in preventing STIs - No magic bullet


  6. Condoms in preventing STIs: No magic bullet.

    BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

  7. D-dimer level is not a prognostic biomarker specific of pulmonary embolism [5]

    Critical Care Medicine

  8. Des soins palliatifs... pour le bon patient, par la bonne personne, avec la bonne formation, au bon endroit et au bon moment

    Revue Medicale Suisse

  9. Differential underreporting and other caveats about sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain

    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

  10. Does antisense make sense of AID targeting?

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

  11. Efficiency of autoregulatory homeostatic responses to imposed caloric excess in lean men (American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism (2008) 294, (E423) DOI: 101152/ajpendo.00573.2007)

    American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism

  12. Erratum: Impact of genetic abnormalities on survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma (Leukemia (2008) vol. 22 (1250-1255) 10.1038/leu.2008.88)


  13. Excellent supervision

    New Scientist

  14. Excellent supervision

    New Scientist

  15. Immunotherapy for neurological diseases

    Clinical Immunology

  16. Interspecies adenovirus fiber shows "evolutionary" advantage for oncolytic therapy of gliomas

    Cancer Biology and Therapy

  17. Introduction

    Gynecologic Oncology

  18. La importancia de la comida en familia

    Acta Pediatrica Espanola

  19. Low frequency of JAK2 exon 12 mutations in classic and atypical CMPDs

    Leukemia Research

  20. Mediterranean diet in type 2 diabetes
