Invasión de una vena pulmonar por una metástasis de sarcoma sinovialcorrelación radiopatológica

  1. Díaz, M. L.
  2. Garrastachu Zumarán, María del Puy
  3. Lozano, María Dolores
  4. Villanueva, Alberto
  5. Idoate, Miguel-Ángel
Revista de medicina

Año de publicación: 2008

Volumen: 52

Número: 2

Páginas: 29-33

Tipo: Artículo


We describe the case of a male patient with a past medical history of synovial sarcoma in the left arm. Twenty years later, the patient developed a tumoral pulmonary vein thrombus arising from a single lung metastasis. The chest X-ray, thoracic MDCT, PET-CT and radiopathologic correlation fi ndings are discussed. Percutaneous lung biopsy was performed under ultrasound guidance. Pulmonary vein invasion from a sarcoma metastasis is very rare. This case represents the fi rst described case in the literature with MDCT, PET-CT and pathologic correlation of a sarcoma lung metastasis reaching the left auricle through a pulmonary vein.