The impact of the prevention strategies on the indirect effects of CMV infection in solid organ transplant recipients

  1. Roman, A.
  2. Manito, N.
  3. Campistol, J.M.
  4. Cuervas-Mons, V.
  5. Almenar, L.
  6. Arias, M.
  7. Casafont, F.
  8. del Castillo, D.
  9. Crespo-Leiro, M.G.
  10. Delgado, J.F.
  11. Herrero, J.I.
  12. Jara, P.
  13. Morales, J.M.
  14. Navarro, M.
  15. Oppenheimer, F.
  16. Prieto, M.
  17. Pulpón, L.A.
  18. Rimola, A.
  19. Serón, D.
  20. Ussetti, P.
Transplantation Reviews

ISSN: 1557-9816 0955-470X

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Alea: 28

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 84-91

Mota: Berrikuspena

DOI: 10.1016/J.TRRE.2014.01.001 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak