Aportaciones de la filosofía personalista a la teoría de la comunicaciónconsideraciones conceptuales desde la óptica de la expresión comunicativa

  1. Huaman Flores, Fernando
  1. Manuel Martín Algarra Zuzendaria
  2. Javier Serrano Puche Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 2013(e)ko urria-(a)k 25

  1. Esteban López-Escobar Presidentea
  2. Marta Torregrosa Puig Idazkaria
  3. Xosé Ramón Rodríguez Polo Kidea
  4. Filipa Subtil Kidea
  5. José Luis Piñuel Raigada Kidea
  1. (FCOM) Comunicación Pública

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 116148 DIALNET


Facing the theoretic fragmentation and conceptual dispersion of communication studies, personalist philosophy presents a speech that it can contribute to a disciplined approach. Outside the processes of building messages, a personalist disciplinary approach emphasizes that communication is a human reality linked to freedom and creativity: it seeks to combat in many ways the loneliness and to improve levels of social integration. From intersubjectivity and relational nature of human beings, this philosophy considers communication as a reality that is known in a superobjective mode, that is, by the personal commitment of a subject in the communicative relationship. This is how communication becomes a category that takes ontological weight itself, regardless the material forms in which the expression and interpretation manifest. This research begins with an analysis of communicative expression notion, raised by Martin Algarra (2003), basing its contributions on the ideas of personalist philosophers Martin Buber, Emmanuel Mounier, Gabriel Marcel and Xavier Zubiri. From its reflections are established personalist disciplinary elements, principles of communication and an disciplinary approach that seeks to contribute to the dialogue in the field under the conceptualization of interpersonal encounter in a dialogic relation me-you.