Actores sintéticos en tiempo realNuevas estructuras de datos y métodos para su integración en aplicaciones de simulación.

  1. Rodriguez García, Rafael
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco José Serón Arbeloa Director
  2. Marcos Fernández Marín Director

Defence university: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 24 May 2005

  1. Roberto Vivó Hernando Chair
  2. Mariano Pérez Martínez Secretary
  3. Alfredo Pina Calafi Committee member
  4. Alfonso Brazález Guerra Committee member
  5. Francisco José Perales López Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 103143 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The Scene Graph is the most widespread method of implementation simulation applications. This kind of structure is a very convenient way to define static scenes, but it has serious drawbacks in representing articulated structures or objects with complex behaviours. Both circumstances are inherent in virtual actors. This thesis defines new data structures and methods permiting the adequate integratión of virtual actors in a simulatión application: 1. Two new kinds of nodes are presented (Actor and Skeleton). These nodes function as modular elements to define and manage all kinds of virtual actor. During the dessing process of this nodes a great attention was paid to standarization and computational efficience. 2. Special techniques are presented in order to solve problems in the current scene graphs: Working on the bottleneck that exists in relation to the transformation matrix process; Defining a new method of culling, specific to actors, that is compatible with the traditional, and considers the costs associated with the behaviour management; Defining a specific Level of Detail method, that works simultaneously with the geometry, the topology and the behaviour; Making an analisis of the technique to ingrate actors in a multiprocessor system. 3. A new structure, named ActorClass, is defined. This structure is independent of the scene graph and is responsible for storing all the high level information that is shared by several actors of the same species. This structure has the capability of assimilating future expansions, and supporting the definition of macroscopic simulations. In order to show the practical utility of the results of this work, a programming library and a modular architecture have been implemented on the basis of these proposed structures and methods. In addition, a practical sample sample has been developed, showing in detail all the aspects of the integratión of virtual actors in an existing simulation application.