La protección de los bosques naturales a la luz del Derecho Ambiental Internacional y la constitución brasileña¿Serán capaces de salvar la Floresta Amazónica?
- Ferreira Carvalho, Edson
- Encarnación Fernández Ruiz-Gálvez Director/a
Universitat de defensa: Universitat de València
Fecha de defensa: 11 de de març de 2016
- Jesús Ballesteros Llompart President/a
- Guido Saraceni Secretari/ària
- Angela Aparisi Miralles Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
The protection of natural forests in the light of International Environmental Law and the Brazilian Constitution: Will be able to save the Amazon rainforest? Summary: This study aims to elucidate the normative relations on natural forests in the various fields of International Environmental Law and the Brazilian legal system, and propose solutions to increase the effectiveness of controlling deforestation. Given the theoretical character of the research, documentary and bibliographic research techniques were used. Initially, were analyzed the relevance of natural forests for the planet and humanity; the legal status of forests in the areas of biodiversity loss, climate change and desertification; and rapid dilapidation of global and Brazilian forest heritage. Then the effectiveness of the protection of natural forests in public and private properties in the context of Brazilian environmental governance was analyzed. Finally, were studied the direct and underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation, and the feasibility of adopting a policy of zero deforestation in the context of REDD + as a promissory alternative to save the Amazon rainforest.