Pasaia-ikuspegia eta bere lau dimentsioakmetodo interpretatzaile konstruktibista baten proposamena Bilboaldeko hiri bazterreko Pasaia menditsuen kasuan aplikatua

Dirigida por:
  1. Sören Schöbel Rutschmann Director/a
  2. Marte Mujika Urteaga Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 07 de octubre de 2015

  1. Joseba Juaristi Linacero Presidente/a
  2. Jabier Puldain Huarte Secretario/a
  3. José Angel Medina Murua Vocal
  4. Martin Prominski Vocal
  5. Laura Martínez de Guereñu Elorza Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 120409 DIALNET lock_openADDI editor


This thesis is an account on the interpretation of the urban fringe landscape character. The problem it addresses is a combination between the theoretical conceptualization of said character that tends to be portrayed as problematic and/or generic, and the challenge it poses to landscape planning and renewal as an area that defies established place characterizations. Therefore, the dissertation tries to find a method that might serve to understand urban landscapes¿ aspects and formation by relying on qualitative features. It does so by formulating a plausible characterization and by interpreting documented social constructions. The aim is to look for landscape structures and development trends that could become beneficial in building management and planning criteria that consider the specific character of urban landscapes. Namely the research started off with a proposal for the understanding of urban landscape character structured by three pillars; firstly, a theoretical standpoint that renders landscape as a socially constructed multi-layered and multi-dimensional concept, secondly, a design of an interpretation tool based on said constructivist theories, and thirdly the use of a specific case of urban landscapes. The proposal develops a tool for landscape interpretation based on constructivist theoretical premises and proceeds to test it out using the case study landscape of Bilbao¿s mountainous urban fringe. Adopting a reflexive research strategy, an interpretation method is worked out by following three main steps. The results are thus of two kinds; a first re-construction that can be considered an inventive and creative landscape understanding, and the second construction that conveys landscape¿s invisible structures and traits to understand its formation, as well as possibilities for its design, planning and management that complement the first characterization. The Landscape Perspective tool proposed by the thesis contributes with a constructivist approach to understanding urban fringe landscapes that could complement established place analysis procedures by using a wide and empathic interpretive approach to both tangible and intangible constructions of urban landscapes.