Datos etnográficos de los siglos XVIII y XIX en los manuscritos del canónigo-enfermero de la catedral de Pamplona
- Naiara Ardanaz-Iñarga 1
- Anton Erkoreka Barrena 2
- Enrique Aramburu Araluce 3
Universidad de Navarra
- 2 Museo Vasco de Historia de la Medicina (UPV/EHU)
- 3 Farmacia Museo Aramburu (Plentzia, Bizkaia)
ISSN: 0590-1871
Argitalpen urtea: 2016
Urtea: 48
Zenbakia: 90
Orrialdeak: 137-177
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Cuadernos de etnología y etnografía de Navarra
Miguel Maria Daoiz y Nederist, born in Barcelona in 1768, elected canon of the Cathedral of Pamplona in 1789 and dead in 1851, was the last nurse of the cathedral, and the dignity of the infirmary ended with him. A diverse range of manuscripts gathered by him and covering all sorts of topics can be found in the cathedral’s archive. Remarkable examples are those related to agriculture and stockbreeding of this period and the fight against vermin. The author used several sources of information, treatises of enlightened physiocrats and botanists whose purpose was to renovate the agricultural sector, but there are also some treatises from folk origin. We publish the transcription of these manuscripts accompanied by a study of ethnographic sources.