Itinerarium actionis in Deum. Relectura teológico-fundamental de L´Action (1893) de M. Blondel como vía mística

  1. García Mourelo, Santiago
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Pedro Rodríguez Panizo Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 28 von November von 2018

  1. Pedro Manuel Fernández Castelao Präsident/in
  2. Antonio Sánchez Orantos Sekretär/in
  3. César Izquierdo Urbina Vocal
  4. José Luis Cabria Ortega Vocal
  5. Pedro Rodríguez Panizo Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 576918 DIALNET


The study presents a theological-fundamental rereading of L'Action (1893), by Maurice Blondel, as a mystical way. For this, in the first chapter, the author places the study of mysticism within the scope of Fundamental Theology, taking into account its main keys, as well as synthesizes the approaches that, from this perspective, have been made to the blondelian work. The second chapter is devoted to the blondelian understanding of mysticism, both the pronouncements of the philosopher of Aix on this subject, as well as his own spiritual experience. With these previous ones, in the third chapter, he carried out a genetic study of L'Action (1893), unraveling the fundamental nucleus of the work, which will be —in the fourth chapter— the foundation of the blondelian’s mystical way. From it, there will be a prospection —in the fifth chapter— on the philosophical-spiritual method to explore the phenomenon of action as a possible way for union with God —sixth chapter—. Finally, the pertinent considerations on perfect action will be made; that in which union with God is expressed, thanks to the Vimculum Substantiale (Christ).