Estructuras de derecho de propiedad. Una aproximación económica

Dirigida por:
  1. Santos Pastor Prieto Director/a
  2. José Enrique Galdón Sánchez Codirector/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 28 de octubre de 2005

  1. Miguel Alfonso Martínez-Echevarria Presidente/a
  2. Eduardo María Valpuesta Gastaminza Secretario
  3. Josemari Aizpurua Agirre Vocal
  4. Pedro Tedde de Lorca Vocal
  5. Federico Cabrillo Rodríguez Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 300046 DIALNET


Titulo: Estructuras de derechos de propiedad. una aproximación económica RESUMEN: The research analyse three structures of property rights, which are not completely defined, from an economic perspective. First chapter makes an introduction on Law & Economics and New institutional Economics. Second chapter subject is about Spanish nineteenth century reforms in property rights on land, mainly servitudes and enclosures of the open fields against customary farmers practices, especially in the case of transhumance. Third chapter analyses the role of environmental agreements as an additional solution in the protection and management of environmental problems. A comparison with other conventional economic instruments is made, so in the case of individually applied as in the case of several mechanisms working together. Fourth chapter is an empirical study about the relationship between employee involvement, cooperatives and performance in the Spanish manufacture firms. An assessment will be made of the results obtained when shop floor participatory schemes are used. Next, cooperatives will be analysed to see if they achieve better performance measures than other types of companies. Finally, this investigation will attempt to ascertain whether the effectiveness of employee involvement practices varies according to whether they are introduced in a cooperative or a capitalist firm. Shop floor participation in both these kinds of companies will be analysed in order to detect any possible differences in outcome.