Casa, observatorio, templo. Casas de arquitectos extranjeros afincados en España, 1958-1970

  1. García-Diego Villarías, Héctor
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Miguel Otxotorena Elizegui Director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 14 November 2011

  1. Mariano González Presencio Chair
  2. Carlos Labarta Aizpún Secretary
  3. José Morales Sánchez Committee member
  4. Carlos Montes Serrano Committee member
  5. Miguel Ángel Alonso del Val Committee member
  1. (ETSA) Teoría, Proyectos y Urbanismo

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 113203 DIALNET


Shelter, Observatory, Temple Foreign Architects Houses Settled in Spain 1950-1975 Abstract Spain appears in different moments, in pop sociology of recent decades, as the goal of many journeys and pilgrimages. And this research has attempted to look at the list of significant foreign architects visiting its geography in the third quarter of the twentieth century, who finally settled down there by the conception and construction of their own home. This is a specific phenomenon whose study has been addressed in depth throughout this philosophical dissertation. To do this, it has been proceeded to analyze a set of biographies that have produced the special panel of works of architecture that dot some of the most picturesque spots of the peninsula¿s periphery. The presentation of these cases has been sorted in four chapters according to the most significant poles of attraction of the Spanish Coast: Cadaqués, Ibiza, Carboneras and Frigiliana. In Cadaqués, it is analyzed the activity developed by architects Harnden and Bombelli, who built their own houses in the constrained urban area of the village. In Ibiza, the two Germans Erwin Broner and Erwin Bechtold settled down in the island by designing their own home. In Carboneras, the Sociedad de Amigos de Carboneras, with André Bloc as one of its leaders, supported the development of the Andalusian village. Finally, in Frigiliana, Bernard Rudofsky erected ¿La Casa¿, his domestic sanctuary in Spain.