Application of a Novel Automatic Duration Method based on the Wavelet Transform on Pathological Motor Unit Action Potentials

  1. Rodríguez Carreño, Ignacio
  2. Gila Useros, Luis
  3. Malanda Trigueros, Armando
  4. Navallas Irujo, Javier
  5. Rodríguez Falces, Javier
Working Papers ( Universidad de Navarra. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales )

Argitalpen urtea: 2009

Zenbakia: 14

Mota: Laneko dokumentua


Objective: To evaluate a novel automatic duration method based on the wavelet transform applied on normal and pathological motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). Methods: We analyzed 313 EMG recordings from normal and pathological muscles during slight contractions. After the extraction procedure, 339 MUAPs were accepted for analysis: 68 from normal muscles, 44 fibrillation potentials, 124 from myopathic muscles, 20 from chronic neurogenic muscles and 83 from subacute neurogenic muscles. A �gold standard� of the duration positions (GSP) was obtained for each MUAP from the manual measurements of two senior electromyographists. The results of the novel methods were compared to five well-known CAMs. To compare the six methods, the differences between the automatic marker positions and the GSP for the MUAPs� start and end markers were calculated. Then, for the different groups of normal and pathological MUAPs, we applied: a one-factor ANOVA to compare their relative mean differences, the estimated mean square error (EMSE), and a Chi-square test about the rate automatic marker placements with differences to the GSP greater than 5 ms (gross errors). Results: The mean and the standard deviation of the differences, the EMSE and the gross errors for the novel method were smaller than those observed with the CAMs in the five different MUAP groups, and significantly different in most of the cases. Conclusions: The novel automatic MUAP duration method is more accurate than other available algorithms in normal and pathological MUAPs. Significance: MUAP duration measurement is an important issue in daily clinical practice.