Propuesta de un nuevo modelo microquirúrgico para el estudio de la endometriosis inducida en rata Wistar. Resultados Preliminares

  1. González Ramos, Pedro
  2. Royo Manero, Pedro
  3. Pastor Oliver, C.
  4. Calleja Aguayo, Elena
  5. De Martino, A.
  6. Godino, J.
  7. Bejarano Lasunción, Pilar
  8. Manero, F. J.
  9. Pecondón Español, A.
  10. Vicente, B.
  11. Gracia Romero, Jesús
  12. Ortega, J.
  13. García Manero, Manuel
  14. Alcázar Zambrano, Juan Luis
  15. González de Agüero Laborda, Rafael
  16. Fabré González, Ernesto
  17. López García, Guillermo
Revista de medicina

Argitalpen urtea: 2009

Alea: 53

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 14-19

Mota: Artikulua


The current knowledge status on the patogenesis of endometriosis as well as devastating consequences of disease evolution in women´s reproductive health, have promoted researchers advances in a great manner during last years. The immunologic and neangiogenesis systems implication have opened new ways of knowledge over classic theories from the beginning of the XX century. The experimental resesearch, using animal induction models. Below we explain the fi rst steps a new induction model ("PGR1-HotDog"), based on Wistar rats using a new disease autogeneration system, created for te study of the early stages of the endometriosis.