Praefascinandae rescuatro nuevos fascina fálicos procedentes del norte de la Tarraconense (Cinco Villas de Aragón, Zaragoza)
ISSN: 1130-9741
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 30
Pages: 319-332
Type: Article
More publications in: Anales de arqueología cordobesa
The following paper presents a phallic amulet in gold, fascinum, figuring a phalus and a digitus impudicus discovered at the archaeological excavations at Los Bañales de Uncastillo (Zaragoza, Spain) in July 2018. Also three more bronze fascina from the same territory are presented in a brief note. The selected objects are studied and clasified in terms of tipology and its presentation and study are connected with a vindication of the utility which those objects –usually forgotten by scholars– actually have for a better understanding of popular religiosity in Roman times.
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