A comparison between percutaneous and surgical transplantation of autologous skeletal myoblasts in a swine model of chronic myocardial infarction

  1. Gavira, J.J.
  2. Perez-Ilzarbe, M.
  3. Abizanda, G.
  4. García-Rodríguez, A.
  5. Orbe, J.
  6. Páramo, J.A.
  7. Belzunce, M.
  8. Rábago, G.
  9. Barba, J.
  10. Herreros, J.
  11. Panizo, A.
  12. de Jalón, J.A.G.
  13. Martínez-Caro, D.
  14. Prósper, F.
Cardiovascular Research

ISSN: 0008-6363

Year of publication: 2006

Volume: 71

Issue: 4

Pages: 744-753

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.CARDIORES.2006.06.018 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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