Investigating indices to explain the impacts of ozone on the biomass of white clover (Trifolium repens L. cv. Regal) at inland and coastal sites in Spain

  1. Bermejo, V.
  2. Gimeno, B.S.
  3. Granados, I.
  4. Santamaría, J.
  5. Irigoyen, J.J.
  6. Bermejo, R.
  7. Porcuna, J.L.
  8. Mills, G.
New Phytologist

ISSN: 0028-646X

Year of publication: 2002

Volume: 156

Issue: 1

Pages: 43-55

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1046/J.1469-8137.2002.00497.X GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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