Relaciones funcionales entre la frustración y el dolor físico

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Mª Carmen Torres Bares Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Antonio José Ibáñez Molina Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 17 von März von 2021

  1. Humbelina Robles Ortega Präsident/in
  2. Ana García León Sekretär/in
  3. Francisco Juan Güell Pelayo Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 660774 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


The general objective of this Doctoral Thesis was to analyze frustration (negative emotion triggered by reward loss) in humans. First, the relationships between frustration intolerance and personality dimensions were analyzed (Study 1). Second, a frustration-inducing cognitive task was developed based on the manipulation of the expected and received reward during its performance (Study 2). Finally, how frustration (induced with the task used in Study 2) impacted sensitivity to physical pain was explored (Study 3). Overall, the results showed a complex relationship between intolerance to frustration and personality dimensions, showed objective and subjective evidence of frustration in the laboratory, and require further research on the functional relationships between physical and psychological pain.