El pensamiento religioso de Tirso de Molina

  1. Nicolas Cantabella, Elena
  1. Francisco Florit Durán Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 23

  1. Jaime Garau Amengual Presidentea
  2. Miguel Galindo Abellán Idazkaria
  3. Blanca Oteiza Pérez Kidea

Mota: Tesia


The title of this doctoral thesis, The religious thought of Tirso de Molina, has the goal to combine the two aspects of such an enigmatic personality that define Gabriel Téllez: that of a consummate playwright with and that of being a deep connoisseur of the theology of his time, trying to establish the relationship between both of them that is also present in his works. But we must note that there are still aspects that we do not know about his biography; for example, the theological studies that he carried out. For this reason the objectives that we are looking for in this research are the following: 1) Discover the historical and religious context which was contemporary to Tirso de Molina, as well as the studies that a friar of the Merced of the XVI and XVII centuries had to do in order to elaborate the intellectual biography of the author. 2) Analyze Tirso de Molina's works on religious matter, comparing them and relating them to the studies that the Mercedarian carried out, as well as the religious and theological spirit of his time. 3) As a result of the two previous points, identify the great religious themes found in the works of the Mercedarian, that is, to find the system of thought that underlies the Tirsian works on sacred matter. In order to achieve these objectives, the methodology used is the following: The research starts from a system of gradual concretization, from the most general to the particular, it begins with the study of the Order of Mercy, consulting the Mercedarian bibliographical sources, such as chronicles, stories, constitutions, etc., but also the highlights of the Council of Trent and its extension to the Spanish sphere, and the theological renewal that takes place in the sixteenth century with its epicenter at the University of Salamanca. All this, together with the biographical data we have on the life of Fr. Gabriel Téllez allow us to outline his intellectual biography. Later, at a second level of concretization, we read and analyze the religious works of Tirso de Molina: the five biblical dramas, the three eucharistic plays of proven authorship and the three that offer doubts, the fifteen hagiographical comedies, the two theological dramas , The Historia, El Deleitar Aprovechando and the fragmentary work on the life of Santa Maria de Çervellón. The analysis offers us a series of points of convergence that will guide our study. Finally, through previous historical and religious study and the analysis of the works, we find a series of results or conclusions on theological and religious thought that underlies the works of the Mercedarian, which can be summarized in the following points: A) The Mercedarian is an advocate of the values of his Order. B) If the Franciscan Order and the Jesuit Order are praised in his works, Fray Gabriel avoids pronouncing on the Dominic Order. C) Charity is one of the most important themes of his works. D) The work of Tirso supports theologically in St. Thomas Aquinas, although there are other influences. E) The author defends constantly the Catholicism and the way it is exposed in Trento. F) The Virgin has a prominent role in his works, which is seen in female characters which act as prefigurations and evocations, and in mariogamia and mariofanía. G) His works, following the Tridentine spirit, always have a New Testament interpretation, which can be seen in references, evocations and symbols. H) Tirso defends primitive Christianity and rejects the code of the comedy of golden honor for rejecting to the divine law. I) There is influence of the Mystics in some of his works. J) The catechetical mission, related to divine interventions and the use of other arts, can be seen in almost all his works.