Estrategias para impulsar la implementación de promoción de salud en Atención Primariados grupos nominales

  1. Agurtzane Mujika
  2. María Jesús Pumar Méndez
  3. Elena Bermejo Martíns
  4. Naia Hernantes
  5. Elena Antoñanzas Baztán
  6. Olga López Dicastillo
Revista Iberoamericana de Enfermería Comunitaria: RIdEC

ISSN: 1988-5474

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 13

Issue: 2

Pages: 59-70

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Iberoamericana de Enfermería Comunitaria: RIdEC


Purpose: to identify recommendations aimed at fostering implementation of health promotion in Primary Care. Methods: two nominal groups were created, with 15 experts in health promotion, public health, primary care, and patient safety being involved in them. Two working rounds were performed, in which personal work, sharing and discussion among panelists on the identified items, as well as scoring such items, were combined. This process resulted in a list of items prioritized by participants. Results: a consensus was reached by the experts on the strategies to implement a taxonomy for preventive and health promotion actions aimed at identifying gaps in this field; as well as critical items to implement strategies for health promotion in primary care. Among them, the following are highlighted: considering the implementation of health promotion as a process; questioning other agents; need for a clear and firm commitment to health promotion at the institutional level. Conclusion: fostering health promotion in primary care requires a clear and firm commitment, along with the adoption of a capacity building approach and an implementation framework.

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