Heterogeneous micromechanical properties of the extracellular matrix in healthy and infarcted hearts

  1. Andreu, I.
  2. Luque, T.
  3. Sancho, A.
  4. Pelacho, B.
  5. Iglesias-García, O.
  6. Melo, E.
  7. Farré, R.
  8. Prósper, F.
  9. Elizalde, M.R.
  10. Navajas, D.
Acta Biomaterialia

ISSN: 1878-7568 1742-7061

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 10

Issue: 7

Pages: 3235-3242

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.ACTBIO.2014.03.034 GOOGLE SCHOLAR