Estudio comparado de la prueba de esfuerzo en fumadores y no Fumadores. Modificaciones tras la deshabituación tabáquica

  1. Aparici Feal, Manuel
  2. Fernández González, Ángel Luis
  3. Peteiro Vázquez, Jesús
  4. Cabañero, J.
  5. García Bolao, Ignacio
Galicia Clínica

ISSN: 0304-4866

Argitalpen urtea: 1992

Alea: 64

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 1-4

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Galicia Clínica


The purpose of this article was study the response to physical exercise in a group of 90 smokers and to carry out a prospective study of chan ges after smoking withdrawal. A stress test was perfomed Qn 90 smokers and 30 non - smokers. Later on, the smokers were included in a smoking withdrawal program. One year later ah persons who stopped smoking underwent a new stress test as wehI as 10 of persons who failed to stop smoking. Initial stress test revealed that smokers had a significan tly lower exercise time (p <0,001) and lower work load values per kg body weight (p <0,01 ) than non - smokers. Qn the other hand, smokers had higher abnormal blood pressure responses during exercise (p <0,05) and higher cardiac frequencies in relation fo maximun valculated heart rate (p < 0,001). Stress test performed after smoking cessation showed a significant increase in exercise time (p < 0,01 ) and work load values per Kg body weight (p <0,01). Stress performed Qn 10 subjects who talled to stop smoking showed no significant chan ges. From these data we suggest that tobacco consumption diminished response to exercise wich can be reverted, at Ieast in part, after smoking withdra wal.