La efectividad de un programa de intervención psicológica en la mejora del afrontamiento parental al estrés y su repercusión en la adaptación general de niños con TDAH

  1. Saura Miranda, Laura
Supervised by:
  1. Matilde Campos Aranda Director
  2. María Ángeles Abad Mateo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 05 February 2016

  1. Manuel Canteras Jordana Chair
  2. Fuensanta Sánchez Sánchez Secretary
  3. Felipe Ortuño Sánchez Pedreño Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 122545 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


ABSTRACT Introduction: Currently, the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, abbreviation in English, TDAH in Spanish) is a neurodevelopment disorder with a scientific history and in spite of currently being one of the most investigated disorders; the causes are not completely clear on clinical childhood. It could be about a disorder involving several factors of neurological basis and genetic predisposition which interacts with environmental factors. From a relative's perspective, raising a child with behavior problems is an emotionally complex experience, and even more for parents with emotional regulation difficulties, which interferes with appropriate parental skills development. The therapeutic work with the affected patient, as well as providing interventions addressed to the inner experience of the parents when they are disciplining, can turn out to be useful in regards to improving the effects of the treatment received. Objectives: The aim of the present work consisted in analyzing the psycho-emotional characteristics of parents with children affected by ADHD, in the design, creation and implementation of a psychological intervention for parental confrontation programs. Metodology: The sample was composed by 40 parents of both genders, from 32 to 69 years old who were previously selected due to the fulfillment of the inclusion criteria, and giving their reported consent to attend the psychologic training program, informing them orally after an interview of the characteristics and benefits of it. Results: By means of this intervention program we obtain an improvement on the cognitive and emotional strategies of the parents at solving intra/interpersonal conflicts in matters related to their children's studies on ADHD, strengthening a better adaptation of their children with ADHD in their different contexts.We can see that the training program "Breath" has had an effect on the parental abilities for a better adaptation of the child with ADHD and the family unit as a whole.