Limited liver resections in the posterosuperior segments: international multicentre propensity score-matched and coarsened exact-matched analysis comparing the laparoscopic and robotic approaches

  1. D'Silva, M.
  2. Han, H.S.
  3. Liu, R.
  4. Kingham, T.P.
  5. Choi, G.H.
  6. Syn, N.L.X.
  7. Prieto, M.
  8. Choi, S.H.
  9. Sucandy, I.
  10. Chiow, A.K.H.
  11. Marino, M.V.
  12. Efanov, M.
  13. Lee, J.H.
  14. Sutcliffe, R.P.
  15. Chong, C.C.N.
  16. Tang, C.N.
  17. Cheung, T.T.
  18. Pratschke, J.
  19. Wang, X.
  20. Park, J.O.
  21. Chan, C.Y.
  22. Scatton, O.
  23. Rotellar, F.
  24. Troisi, R.I.
  25. D'Hondt, M.
  26. Fuks, D.
  27. Goh, B.K.P.
  28. Erakutsi egile guztiak +
The British journal of surgery

ISSN: 1365-2168

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Alea: 109

Zenbakia: 11

Orrialdeak: 1140-1149

Mota: Artikulua