Los potenciales oscilatorios en las obstrucciones venosas retinianas isquémicas

  1. Moreno, J.
  2. Rodríguez, E.
  3. Santamaría, R.
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia

ISSN: 0365-6691

Year of publication: 1991

Volume: 61

Issue: 1

Pages: 69-74

Type: Article

More publications in: Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia


A study of Electroretinography (E.R.G.) and red-white Oscillatory Potentials (OPs) in 17 patients suffering retinal venous occlusion disease with ischemic pattern was performed. In 6 cases the occlusion was in the central vein and 11 cases was in a venous branch. We compare the results with a control group of the same age. We have found just in 8 cases an abnormal E.R.G., and the rest of patients the «b/a» ratio was inside the normal limits; OPs were abnormal ranges in all studied cases (red-OPs, white-OPs or both them). We are showing the advantages of the OPs exploration in the study of patients with retinal venous occlusive disease.