Implementation of differential self-mixing interferometry systems for the detection of nanometric vibrations

Supervised by:
  1. Santiago Royo Royo Director

Defence university: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 20 July 2018

  1. Carmen Vazquez Garcia Chair
  2. Santiago Miguel Olaizola Izquierdo Secretary
  3. Óscar Esteban Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 148117 DIALNET


In this Thesis, we explore Self-mixing interferometry(SMI ), a method capable of producing high resolution optical path related measurements in a simple, compact and cost-effective way. Even with a notably less complex setup than traditional interferometric methods, SMI can produce measurements with a resolution well below the micrometric scale (N'2) which is sufficient for most industrial applications. The SMI effect is produced when a small part of the laser power impacting a target is back-scattered and re-injected into the laser cavity. As a result, the phase and amplitude of the laser wave is modified generating a signature beat which can be "easily" related to different optical path-related dynamics. The main advantage of this method in relation to other interferometric methods is the simple setup consisting mainly of a single mode laser diode (LO) equipped with a simple electronic system readout A simple optical system maybe used to collimate/focus the beam allowing measurements at larger distances. Because of the small amount of reflected optical power required to allow the effect, the technique can produce high resolution measurements even with diffusive targets. While the SMI method has been largely studied in the last three decades, there are still several topics worth the development of further research. One of those topics, how to increase the resolution on displacement measurements, is one of the main topics covered in this work. Classical SMI methods allow the reconstruction of displacement measurement with a resolution of N'2. The use of special processing algorithms can push further this limit reaching values in the order of e.g. N32. In this work, we propose a method to increase even further this limit reach values better than N100.The idea discussed, differential self-mixing interferometry (OSMI) proposes the use of a reference modulation (mechanical or electrical) to be used as a reference for the measurement. Simulated results have shown that under ideal conditions, it may be possible to reach resolutions in the order of N1000. In practice, however, this limit is much smaller (N100) because of LO dynamics, and different practical limitations present in the amplification and readout electronics. Experiments and measurements are presented along the second chapter of this work to present proof of the proposed method. After exploring the basics of OSMI, possible applications for classic SMI and DSMI were pursued. The obtained results are presented in the following sections. First, a review on potential biomedical measurements using SMI is discussed. The obtained results suggest that it is possible to obtain some key values related to biomedical constants (e.g. P.PW) using a displacement SMI measurement. The method, however, may not be reliable enough especially on long time measurements . Moreover, the use of certain wavelengths must be avoided during long exposures as they may prove harmful to the soft tissue due to the requirements of a small laser spot. lIt is observed that SNR may lead to difficulties during the signal processing stage which may impact the results of the reconstructed signal. Next, the DSMI method was tested in an AFM-like cantilever system. The results suggest that is possible to follow the motion of a micrometric size cantilever oscillating at low frequencies with a high resolution. Higher frequencies may be achieved by using an electronic reference modulation configuration. The proposed system was able to detect some artifacts on the motion which maybe attributed to possible deflections on the cantilever surface. Possible enhancements to the method are suggested for any researcher who wants to expand the topic.