Anàlisi de l'obra narrativa de Ferrater Mora des de la seva filosofia

  1. Bardera Poch, Damià
Dirigida per:
  1. Josep Maria Terricabras Nogueras Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universitat de Girona

Fecha de defensa: 06 de de març de 2015

  1. Joan Manuel del Pozo Álvarez President/a
  2. Jaime Nubiola Aguilar Secretari
  3. Carlos Nieto Blanco Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 387285 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


In this thesis we offer a philosophical reading of Josep Ferrater Mora’s narrative work, starting from Ferrater Mora’s philosophical thought. Thus, this is an intraferraterian doctoral thesis, which aims at proving that Ferrater Mora’s narrative work literarily reflects some of the key concepts and proposals of his thought: integrationism, the dispositions of being and meaning, some aspects of applied ethics, his philosophical anthropology and the importance of death. Regarding the secondary objectives ––all of which derivate from the main objective–– we aim at: i) proving how the author’s narrative work complements and nuances his philosophical work, for it contains aspects and issues hardly dealt with in his thought ––such as modern literary utopia and utopia in general; ii) seeing how the existence of Ferrater Mora’s narrative work is not an accident in his intellectual production, but the complete opposite; iii) making clear that Ferrater Mora’s thought and method are not only useful to analyze his narrative, but they also succeed in analyzing other aspects that are not directly related to Ferrater Mora or his narrative.