Aplicación de la teoría de la elección racional a la comunicación internacional en Asia orientalel caso Senkaku/Diaoyu

  1. López Aranguren, Juan Luis
Dirixida por:
  1. Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi Director
  2. Juan Pablo Artero Muñoz Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 12 de decembro de 2013

  1. Francisco Javier Pérez Latre Presidente
  2. María Isabel Fernández Alonso Secretario/a
  3. Pablo Hispán Iglesias de Ussel Vogal
  4. Jordi Rodríguez Virgili Vogal
  5. George Tsourvakas Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 116255 DIALNET


This doctoral thesis proposes a pioneering model of analysis of international communication based on the rational choice theory and its equivalent formulas. In order to do this the case study about the territorial dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands between Japan, the People¿s Republic of China and the Republic of China or Taiwan will be applied to the model. This proposed model is based on four parts. 1) the communicative projection of the hierarchy of preferences; 2) the ordinal articulation of the complexity of the actors; 3) the analysis of the multiplicity of the dimensions of interaction; 4) the calculation of the global point of equilibrium reached between actors. This model is modular and, according to the capacity of acquisition and the processing of information allows a scale to be created (by increasing the number of actors and dimensions or grouping them together). This offers versatility and a capacity to adapt, both in different fields of study as different resources of analysis of theories of the society. Thus, in the application to the case study Senkaku/Diaoyu the hierarchies of preferences of these three countries that intervene in the conflict have been analysed and each one has been subdivided into more simple actors. In the second phase, the hierarchies of preferences of these simple actors have been identified and the communicative projection both in an international dimension and the complex actor in which it forms part have been identified. Afterwards, the global point of equilibrium reached between all the actors and hierarchies of preferences described were analysed. The investigation also studied the historical origins of the rational choice theory such as the intellectual field formed by the theoretical formulations, offering pioneering future possibilities of study. In the historical origins, the main phases characterised by their role have been identified, studying the origins both in traditional Greek philosophy (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle) and in China (Deng Xi, Mozi, Gongsun Long). Afterwards, the approximate aspects of rationality were identified (mathematical-functionalist and philosophical-politics). Finally, the union between them in game theory, the theoretical framework of rational choice theory and its alternative formulations were identified. In the theoretical analysis, the trend of the decision theories were studied (rational choice theory, positive political theory, social choice theory and public choice theory) and found a wide ambiguity and vagueness in this field. To solve this, the common aspects of all the theoretical formulations according to two variables were identified: the complexity of the actor (simple or complex) and the objective of the study (incentives and behaviours of the actor or general scenario of interactions). Finally, these four trends were distributed in a bi-dimensional scheme according the variables in which this pioneering proposal of analysis of decision theories is based.