Gestiòn de la I+D en el ámbito de la industria farmacéutica

Supervised by:
  1. Idoya Luisa Calvo Alonso Director
  2. Pedro Berga Martí Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 30 November 2005

  1. Jose M. Bastero de Elizalde Chair
  2. Antonio Monge Vega Secretary
  3. Ferran Sanz Carreras Committee member
  4. Eduard Valentí Vall Committee member
  5. Pablo Ortiz Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 300184 DIALNET


GESTIÓN DE LA I+D+I EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA INDUSTRIA FARMACÉUTICA #RESUMEN: The launch of innovative medicine, synonymous of a pharmaceutical and biomedical sector*'s competitiveness, becomes a more difficult and complex process with time. This fact convinces us of the need for a management system part of a company's strategy, which includes business intelligence, knowledge management, different Quality Management Systems (GLP, GMP, GCP) and regulatory affairs, being the main objective the continuos improvement. (tqm). In 2002, a Spanish family of standards (UNE 16600X: 2002EX) was created which set up requirements of a general R&d Management System. The objective of this work was to demostrate the viability of these standards in the pharmaceutical sector First, we have made a comparative analysis of the different Quality Management Systems versus UNE 166002:2002EX. As a result, we obtained the conformity and complementarity percentages of these systems. secondly, using these results and making a thorough analysis of management tools, a R&d management system model has been developed, which contributes new elements such as a R&d management Unit, processes management, a System of Strategic Intelligence, metrics and measuring, analysis and improvement activities. All of these elements, which assure the Quality of the R&d process and the product ufe cycle, are responsible for the success of new innovative medicines. Finally, we propose the certification and acreditation of the R&d Management System as a tool to obtain the direct and indirect incentives which guarantee an efficient R&d, and the need to add a fifth line of action called " R&d Management" to the technological Platforms of Innovative Medicines