La mente en John Searleintencionalidad y causalidad

Supervised by:
  1. José Ignacio Murillo Gómez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 28 June 2007

  1. José Ángel García Cuadrado Chair
  2. Luis Enrique Echarte Alonso Secretary
  3. José Ignacio Murillo Gómez Committee member
  4. José Manuel Giménez Amaya Committee member
  5. María Mar Cerezo Lallana Committee member
  1. (FFL) Filosofía

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 299826 DIALNET


the mind IN john searle: intentionality and CAUSALiTY This study is about the thought of the philosopher John Searle of the university of Berkeley, California, in the field of the philosophy of mind. The first part of the thesis presents a short biography of the author together with his thought in his main areas of interest: philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of society and metaphysics in general. This part is used as an introduction to Searle's contribution to philosophy of mind. The analysis of the thought of John searle covers the main aspects of his philosophy of mind, intentionality, consciousness and causal ity, which are presented after a brief synthesis of the critiques of maten" al is tic theories. Each characteristic of the mind is developed in the context of contemporary philosophy and analyzed in detail. Intentionality allows the author to move from the theory of speech acts to the field of the mind and permits the connection with reality. Consciousness is the fundamental trait of the mind: its main properties and its particular relation to the human brain are described. Causality is defined in a new way by John Searle, with the possibility of avoiding temporal relations between causes and effects. Finally, a critical evaluation of the thought of John Searle is given. The reflections are accompanied by considerations taken from other contemporary philosophers, basically from the field of analytic philosophy. The main object of this research is to put into evidence the point of view of the author and his principal conclusions, together with their limits that have to be exceeded in order to attain more substantial results. keywords: Mind, John Searle, intentionality, Consciousness, Causality, Brain