Educación de la afectividad y de la sexualidad en la adolescenciaun texto escolar alternativo
- Jokin de Irala Estévez Director
- Charo Repáraz Abaitua Co-director
Defence university: Universidad de Navarra
Fecha de defensa: 28 March 2008
- Aquilino Polaino Lorente Chair
- Miguel Ruiz-Canela López Secretary
- Esperanza Rayón Valpuesta Committee member
- Luis Montuenga Badía Committee member
- Carmen Díaz Molina Committee member
Type: Thesis
The spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in adolescents and teenage pregnancy rates are increasing. A decrease in the average age of youth's first sexual experience has also been noted. Sexual education programmes in schools have an important role to play in addressing these issues. The objective of this study was to analyse the content of textbooks in the areas of sexuality and human reproduction in order to evaluate the extent to which they promote healthy reproductive lifestyles, as well as avoidance of risk behaviour among adolescent students. All textbooks presented inaccurate information in the areas studied. On average, 12.6 incorrect messages were identified in each textbook. Since too many deficiencies were identified both from the scientific and anthropological point of view, in the textbooks used at present in adolescent education, an alternative text was written. This alternative was based on actual scientific evidence and on the anthropology centred on the person. The alternative text was submitted for evaluation to secondary school teachers in the area of science. The evaluators scored our alternative significantly better than the book they were actually using in all the criteria evaluated: a) Scientific accuracy; b) Comprehensive vision on sexuality; c) Promotion of healthy lifestyles; d) Development of social life skills; and e) Reflection about the ethical and social consequences related to human sexuality. Conclusions: The textbooks examined are neither appropriate nor sufficiently comprehensive for adolescent education on issues of sexuality. Results suggest a need for alternative textbooks based on better scientific evidence. It is essential that textbooks empower adolescents to make healthy decisions through the promotion of useful life skills that provide a more integrated concept of sexuality.