Etnobotánica farmacéutica en navarradel uso tradicional de las plantas medicinales a su evidencia científica

  1. Aquerreta Molina, Silvia
Dirigida por:
  1. Rita Yolanda Cavero Directora
  2. María Isabel Calvo Martínez Codirectora

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 30 de junio de 2009

  1. Joan Vallès Xirau Presidente/a
  2. Ricardo Ibáñez Gastón Secretario
  3. Luis Villar Pérez Vocal
  4. Ana Mª Quílez Guerrero Vocal
  5. Salvador Cañigueral Folcará Vocal
  1. (FC) Biología Ambiental

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 107366 DIALNET


PHARMACEUTICAL ETHNOBOTANY IN NAVARRA: FROM TRADITIONAL USE OF MEDICINAL PLANTS TO ITS SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE Silvia Akerreta Molina Facultad de Ciencias-University of Navarra (Spain) -2009- Ethnobotany is an interdisciplinar science that studies the relationship between human being and the vegetal World. In this framework, an ethnobotanical analysis has been carried out in Navarra, focused on the medicinal use of plants. The field work has been done through semi-structured interviews, realized to 667 informants of 265 localities. 3.770 medicinal applications have been collected, referring to 287 taxa. The most relevant families are Compositae, Labiate and Rosaceae, and the taxa Santolina chamaecyparissus subsp. squarrosa, Chamaemelum nobile and Urtica dioica. The most used parts of the plants are the aerial, inflorescence and leaf, and to a great extent, the uses make reference to digestive and dermatological affections. After revising the information collected through the ESCOP, WHO and the Germany¿s Health Minister ¿Commission E¿ monographs, it has been observed that approximately two out of three of the most common used taxa have not been revised by any of the cited institutions and, among the revisited uses, only 15,76% match completely with the approved information of these monographs. Meanwhile, 34,13% does not match about the therapeutic indication, 26% shows negative monograph due to, mainly, to a lack of scientific documentation, 21,54% does not match respecting to the organ or mix of organs traditionally used, 1,19% does not match concerning the way of preparation or administration and, finally, for 1,37% of the uses there is not enough information to carry out the complete revision. In the area of fitonomy, a total of 537 popular names have been collected, 422 in Spanish and 115 in Euskera (Basque).