La reciprocidad como elemento constitutivo de la sociedad

  1. Peró Baig, Rafael Juan
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Enrique Moros Claramunt Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 23 von April von 2021

  1. Sergio Sánchez-Migallón Granados Präsident
  2. Rubén Pereda Sekretär
  3. Santiago Collado González Vocal
  4. Rodrigo Muñoz de Juana Vocal
  5. José Ángel García Cuadrado Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 154299 DIALNET


Aristotle affirms that the basis of civil equality is not the similarities we share, but rather what differentiates us from one and other. However these differences have to be commensurate and when things are incommensurable reciprocity is in fact what makes relationships possible In this context, reciprocity is understood as the Greek «ἀντιπεπονθὸς» which Aristotle uses, and its literal translation is counter-suffering. This research begins with a philological analysis of these words to reach a better understanding of the concept of reciprocity; and in this way, find the appropriate elements of this relationship. Thus we will find other concepts such as gift grace and ergon. Reciprocity is a kind of relationship and consequently we must appropriately focus on who is in the relationship as well as on how they relate. For this reason the ones idea of person will be decisive to be able to define the relationship and its scope. This research delves on the person as a co-existential being and a giver, and finds in Leonardo Polos philosophy the inspiration to discover that, in personal relationships, to accept is as fundamental as to give; what is not given is lost and when something is given, acceptance is needed in return for the gift to be fulfilled.