La fe en el magisterio de Benedicto XVI

  1. Hernansanz Serrano, Fernando
Dirigée par:
  1. Pablo Blanco Sarto Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 08 juin 2018

  1. (FT) Teología Sistemática

Type: Thèses


This thesis attempts to systematize the teachings concerning faith in Benedict XVI’s magisterium. It is based on a classic scheme of calling-response- announcement, which determines the main chapters of the thesis. This structure is adopted following a preliminary study of the first encyclical of Pope Francis, Lumen fidei, prepared by Benedict XVI but not published by him due to his resignation. Faith has been one of the main themes of Benedict XVI’s pontificate, as stated by the emeritus Pope himself, and has been patent in his many teachings. The thesis focuses on ideas on faith that seem central to Benedict XVI’s magisterium: that faith is not attained through ethical decision or reasoning but through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, through the mediation of the Church; that dialogue on faith with the man of today must take into account his concrete circumstances; the defense of human reason as open to transcendence and capable of reaching the truth; the need for a new evangelization that will bring the joy of faith to humanity, with the special assistance of the Virgin Mary, model of faith.