Decoherence and quantum error correction for quantum computing and communications

  1. Etxezarreta-Martínez, J.
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Crespo Bofill Director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 15 February 2022

  1. Javier Rodríguez Fonollosa Chair
  2. Xabier Insausti Sarasola Secretary
  3. Eduardo Granados Mateo Committee member
  4. Idoia Ochoa Álvarez Committee member
  5. Román Óscar Orús Lacort Committee member
  1. (TECNUN) Ingeniería Biomédica y Ciencias

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 157487 DIALNET lock_openDadun editor


Quantum technologies have shown immeasurable potential to effectively solve several information processing tasks such as prime number factorization, unstructured database search or complex macromolecule simulation. As a result of such capability to solve certain problems that are not classically tractable, quantum machines have the potential revolutionize the modern world via applications such as drug design, process optimization, unbreakable communications or machine learning. However, quantum information is prone to suffer from errors caused by the so-called decoherence, which describes the loss in coherence of quantum states associated to their interactions with the surrounding environment. This decoherence phenomenon is present in every quantum information task, be it transmission, processing or even storage of quantum information. Consequently, the protection of quantum information via quantum error correction codes (QECC) is of paramount importance to construct fully operational quantum computers. Understanding environmental decoherence processes and the way they are modeled is fundamental in order to construct effective error correction methods capable of protecting quantum information. In this thesis, the nature of decoherence is studied and mathematically modelled; and QECCs are designed and optimized so that they exhibit better error correction capabilities.