A transition management methodological framework towards an industrial symbiosis within a circular economy

  1. Sandoval Moreno, John Anderson
Dirigée par:
  1. Marta Ormazábal Directrice
  2. M. Carmen Jaca García Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 24 octobre 2022

  1. Jose Julio Cabeza González President
  2. José A. Alfaro Tanco Secrétaire
  3. Frederic Marimon Viadiu Rapporteur
  4. Daniel Justel Lozano Rapporteur
  5. Elisabeth Viles Diez Rapporteur
  1. (TECNUN) Organización Industrial

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 760553 DIALNET lock_openDadun editor


This thesis seeks to make the transition process easier by detailing how the transition governance model may produce new value for enterprises and society. As a result, this thesis proposes transition management (TM) methodological framework that aids the circular economy (CE) transition process via industrial symbiosis (IS). The ideas of the TM framework were utilised to analyse IS systems, and the TM framework was used to study processes in two regions. The transition to a CE framed within an IS system may be regulated if the TM framework is viewed as a helpful facilitation guide. As a result, the evidence presented in this thesis is followed, which would aid the transition process. It is intended that this thesis has thrown light on the lack of knowledge of how many stakeholders may address and influence desired changes in the face of escalating environmental and social challenges, which prompted the start of a transition process.