Response to: Correspondence on "ESGO/ISUOG/IOTA/ESGE Consensus Statement on pre-operative diagnosis of ovarian tumors" by Thomassin-Nagarra et al

  1. Timmerman, D.
  2. Cibula, D.
  3. Planchamp, F.
  4. Bourne, T.
  5. Landolfo, C.
  6. Testa, A.C.
  7. du Bois, A.
  8. Chiva, L.
  9. Concin, N.
  10. Fisherova, D.
  11. Froyman, W.
  12. Lemley, B.
  13. Loft, A.
  14. Mereu, L.
  15. Morice, P.
  16. Querleu, D.
  17. Vergote, I.
  18. Vandecaveye, V.
  19. Scambia, G.
  20. Fotopoulou, C.
International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society

ISSN: 1525-1438

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 31

Zenbakia: 10

Orrialdeak: 1396-1397

Mota: Gutuna

DOI: 10.1136/IJGC-2021-003013 GOOGLE SCHOLAR