Por una dieta digitalhábitos mediáticos saludables contra la "obesidad informativa"

  1. Serrano Puche, Javier
Primer Congreso Internacional Infoxicación: mercado de la información y psique : Libro de Actas
  1. Mancinas Chávez, Rosalba (coord.)
  2. Nogales-Bocio, Antonia Isabel (coord.)

Publisher: Sevilla : Facultad de Comunicación, 2014

ISBN: 978-84-937600-7-6

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 137-151

Congress: Congreso Internacional Infoxicación (1. 2014. Sevilla)

Type: Conference paper


In our hyperconnected society, people´s media habits are at risk of becoming "Information obesity", due to their difficulty to digest all the information they consume, which is often of poor quality and comes incessantly and by multiple ways. In response, this paper explores the benefits of having a "digital diet". Within the theoretical framework of the slow communication, we expose some interesting habits to achieve good media consumption.