La prehistoria de Rialp, Patmos y la biblioteca del pensamiento actual 1947

  1. Mercedes Montero 1
  1. 1 Instituto Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad de Navarra
Las huellas del franquismo: pasado y presente
  1. Jara Cuadrado (ed. lit.)
  2. Xavier María Ramos Díez-Astrain (coord.)
  3. Itziar Reguero Sanz (coord.)
  4. Marta Requejo Fraile (coord.)
  5. Sofía Rodríguez Serrador (coord.)
  6. Lucía Salvador Esteban (coord.)

Editorial: Comares

ISBN: 978-84-9045-804-4

Any de publicació: 2019

Pàgines: 1092-1118

Tipus: Capítol de llibre


In January 1947, a year before the publication of the Biblioteca de Pensamiento Actual in Ediciones Rialp, Rafael Calvo Serer, its director, presented a list of 76 possible works, from 47 different authors, all of them foreigners. This cast was the fruit of his research stays in Switzerland and his travels in Europe at the end of World War II. We found a huge variety of authors, both in origin and thought. Obviously they are all conservatives, but due to the Spanish moment not a few of them were considered dangerous: Maritain, De Lubac, Mounier, Maurice de Rougemont, Guardini, German historian of culture Ernst Troelsch (Protestant) or Hugo Bale, founder of Dadaism. The sources used come from the General Archives of the Opus Dei Prelature (AGP).