Vivienda social en galería en el Madrid de Posguerra

  1. Salazar Lozano, María del Pilar
Mirar el pasado en tiempos de crisis: historia social, conflicto y cultura de masas
  1. Assumpta Castillo Cañiz (coord.)
  2. David Alegre Lorenz (coord.)
  3. Miguel Alonso Ibarra (coord.)

Publisher: Departament d'Història Moderna i Contemporània ; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona = Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Asociación de Historia Contemporánea

ISBN: 978-84-17238-04-9

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 131-151

Congress: Asociación de Historia Contemporánea. Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia Contemporánea (5. 2015. Barcelona)

Type: Conference paper


After de Civil War, housing was a pressing need in Spain. Some social groups tried to provide housing to the homeless. They sought help from some architects, that a few years later were the most prominent architects. They put their talents at the service of social housing, and they designed buildings that are still studied nowadays because of their quality of design and urban and human vision. In this research we have studied a particular case, the balcony housing. In this type of buildings, the street rises to the building, enabling a closer relationship between the inhabitants.